Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Things Are About To Change (College Edition)

The end of the countdown is nearing.

Two days.


I'm very excited for college and naturally, I've been thinking about it a lot lately.

Like every day.

I want to do so many things like join clubs, play softball and do my best in class. However, one thing that's really been tugging at my mind is will I find time to write another novel and keep up with what I'm doing now? Honestly, I've always wondered exactly how Veronica Roth did it because I know college is busy and even when I'm not studying, I might get distracted by all the other interesting stuff I want to do.

Still, my writing is important to me and even though I'm not yet published, I'm ALMOST there. Writing is kind of like a therapy for me, just as music or drawing is for another person. I would more than likely suffer without it. Of course, I will be writing in my classes (I'm an English major) but I also want to find some time to edit the book I wrote during NaNoWriMo and keep working on getting CAGED published.

Throughout the entirety, I've been working hard on CAGED. The next book I write won't take nearly as long because I've learned a lot of things about writing in the last four years. I just need to learn to time manage, which I'm hoping I can write a blog about later when I discover how to do it well myself.

Follow me @tiffany_a_smith_

Also, btw, I got a tattoo yesterday. :)